Monday, January 23, 2012

Pulled Pork Enchiladas

I put a whole pork roast in the crock pot last weekend.  We had sandwiches, BBQ pork, and with the last of it, I made this dish to put in the freezer for a later date. 
When I cook a roast in the crock pot, I don't put anything else in but the roast, and some seasonings.  No liquid at all.  It will make it's own liquid as it cooks, and get browned that way.  I like to season my pork with lots of smoked paprika, Clark's seasoning (local butcher shop season salt blend), and some garlic powder. 
After the pork gets fork tender, I can pull it apart, and portion it into Tupperware according to what I will use it for.  I pour on the rendered liquid to keep the meat moist.   It can be frozen at this point, if I don't have time to use it in a recipe. 
These are super easy enchiladas.  Very few ingredients, and mild flavored.  I use my Quien Sabe sauce for these, which is also good thickened and used in place of gravy a tex mex style pot roast. 

Pulled Pork Enchiladas
4 C pulled pork
8 oz. light cream cheese
10-12 flour tortillas
Mix pork with softened cream cheese.  Place a couple of spoon fulls on each tortilla.  Roll up and place in a jelly roll size pan in which you have half of the Quien Sabe sauce.  Top with remaining sauce.  Cover with foil.  I froze them at this point.  To bake them off, thaw them first, and bake at 375*F  until bubbly, about thirty minutes.  Remove foil and top with shredded cheese, and bake another few minutes to melt the cheese. 

Quien Sabe Sauce
1 pint/can diced tomatoes
1 qt/ large can tomatillos
1 small can whole green chiles
1/2 tsp adobo seasoning
1 large onion diced
3 cloves garlic minced

In a skillet, saute onion  and garlic in butter.  Add to remaining ingredients and blend in a blender until smooth.  Pour half in the bottom of the enchilada pan, and then pour remaining sauce on top.

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